the global coalition for democracy

Content tagged with "United Kingdom"

Matt Qvortrup est professeur de sciences politiques à l'Université de Coventry et expert en référendums. Dans son nouveau livre, The Referendum and Other...
Matt Qvortrup ist Professor für Angewandte Politikwissenschaft an der Universität von Coventry und ein Experte für Referenden. In seinem Buch The...
Matt Qvortrup is Professor of Political Science at the University of Coventry and an expert on referendums. In his new book, The Referendum and Other...
Let the people decide on Brexit
Two years and 144 days after the historic vote, London and Brussels have finally agreed draft terms for their divorce. But to truly settle this messy period of British politics there is only one real option – let the people have their say again. Our...
Nigel Smith
In the upcoming UK EU membership on 23 June, Nigel Smith will advise the campaign “Vote Leave” as “an old wise head” as he calls it. Democracy International interviewed the Scotsman on 14 April 2016, just one day after the Electoral decision appointed "Vote Leave" to lead the No...
Nigel Smith
In the upcoming UK EU membership on 23 June, Nigel Smith will advise the campaign “Vote Leave” as “an old wise head” as he calls it. Democracy International interviewed the Scotsman on 14 April 2016, just one day after the Electoral decision appointed "Vote Leave" to lead the No...
Scotland, Independence, Referendum
Kate Forsyth, is a 24 year-old research psychologist who recently graduated from the University of Glasgow. She shares with us her personal views on Scottish independence ahead of the referendum to take place in Scotland on 18 September 2014.

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