La coalition mondiale pour la démocratie

We the Peoples - Campaign kick-off

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We the Peoples - Campaign kick-off


As the UN celebrates its 75th anniversary in 2020 under the theme “The Future We Want, the UN We Need: Reaffirming Our Collective Commitment to Multilateralism”, it’s time to give people a direct voice in its affairs. This is why Democracy International, in collaboration with Democracy Without Borders and CIVICUS is launching a campaign for a World Citizens' Initiative.

The instrument of a UN World Citizens’Initiative (UNWCI) will enable citizens to put forward proposals on key issues of concern for discussion at the UN General Assembly. A UNWCI will allow global citizens to have more impact and empowerment in a world faced with growing dilemmas that require global cooperation of both states and citizens alike.

In New York, we will present our campaign plan and research paper to civil society actors and interested people.

Be part of our campaign and join the official campaign launch!

When: Thursday, November 14, 2019, 2.00-3.30pm

Where: UN Church Center, 2nd Floor, 777 UN Plaza (corner of 1st Ave & 44th St), New York City

What: Presentation of the proposalby members of the campaign‘s steering committee and legal experts, launch of the sign-on statement to endorse the campaign, followed by Q&A and informal networking. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.

Please use this form to RSVPand register:

NGOs and individuals can already endorse the campaign statement here


This event is organized with kind support of The Workable World Trust.


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