Thematic focus of our campaigns with the European Parliament have included the adoption of the European Citizens’ Initiative back in 2002, reform of the European electoral system, and an open and inclusive Convention.
Pledge for democratic reforms
During the European election campaigns in 2014, we won the support of 118 newly elected members of the European Parliament for the initiation of a new Convention to revise the EU Treaties in a democratic and participatory way. These parliamentarians – from all political groups and member states – are a serious foundation for our ongoing push for real democratic reform.

Volunteers and engaged citizens from 22 countries powered the lobby effort, contacting more than 5,000 candidates for the European Parliament in 15 languages. The effort yielded astonishing results, with almost 1,200 candidates pledging their political support for far-reaching democratic reforms in the EU.

The 118 supporters of EU democratic reform are:
EPP (European People's Party):
Danuta Hübner (Poland)
Heinz K. Becker (Austria)
Othmar Karas (Austria)
Paul Rübig (Austria)
S&D (Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats)
Josef Weidenholzer (Austria)
Evelyn Regner (Austria)
Karin Kadenbach (Austria)
Jörg Leichtfried (Austria)
Eugen Freund (Austria)
Marc Tarabella (Belgium)
Hugues Bayet (Belgium)
Kathleen Van Brempt (Belgium)
Virginie Rozière (France)
Isabelle Thomas (France)
Eric Andrieu (France)
Sylvie Guillaume (France)
Gilles Pargneaux (France)
Emmanuel Maurel (France)
Edouard Martin (France)
Guillaume Balas (France)
Louis-Joseph Manscour (France)
Christine Revault D'Allonnes-Bonnefoy (France)
Norbert Neuser (Germany)
Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann (Germany)
Peter Simon (Germany)
Jutta Steinruck (Germany)
Evelyne Gebhardt (Germany)
Petra Kammerevert (Germany)
Constanze Krehl (Germany)
Ulrike Rodust (Germany)
Birgit Sippel (Germany)
Gabriele Preuß (Germany)
Dietmar Köster (Germany)
Kerstin Westphal (Germany) - convention pledge only
Jo Leinen (Germany) - convention pledge only
Nessa Childers (Ireland)
Sergio Cofferati (Italy)
Andrea Cozzolino (Italy)
Brando Maria Benifei (Italy)
Renata Briano (Italy)
Kati Piri (Netherlands)
Jonas Fernandez (Spain)
Greens-EFA (Greens - European Free Alliance)
Ulrike Lunacek (Austria)
Michel Reimon (Austria)
Monika Vana (Austria)
Philippe Lamberts (Belgium)
Bart Staes (Belgium)
Heidi Hautala (Finland)
José Bové (France)
Michèle Rivasi (France)
Karima Delli (France)
Pascal Durand (France)
Eva Joly (France)
Yannick Jadot (France) - referendum pledge only
Reinhard Bütikofer (Germany)
Jan Philipp Albrecht (Germany)
Sven Giegold (Germany)
Ska Keller (Germany)
Martin Häusling (Germany)
Barbara Lochbihler (Germany)
Helga Trüpel (Germany)
Michael Cramer (Germany)
Terry Reintke (Germany)
Maria Heubuch (Germany)
Klaus Buchner (Germany)
Julia Reda (Germany)
Rebecca Harms (Germany) - referendum pledge only
Tamás Meszerics (Hungary)
Claude Turmes (Luxembourg)
Bas Eickhout (Netherlands)
Judith Sargentini (Netherlands)
Ernest Urtasun (Spain)
Jordi Sebastià Talavera (Spain)
Molly Scott Cato (United Kingdom)
ALDE (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe)
Angelika Mlinar (Austria)
Louis Michel (Belgium)
Guy Verhofstadt (Belgium)
Marielle de Sarnez (France)
Nathalie Griesbeck (France)
Dominique Riquet (France)
Jean Arthuis (France)
Michael Theurer (Germany)
Gesine Meißner (Germany)
Alexander Graf Lambsdorff (Germany)
Ulrike Mueller (Germany)
Marietje Schaake (Netherlands)
Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy (Netherlands)
Matthijs van Miltenburg (Netherlands)
Sophie In 't Veld (Netherlands)
António Marinho e Pinto (Portugal)
José Inácio Faria (Portugal)
Juan Carlos Girauta Vidal (Spain)
GUE-NGL (European United Left - Nordic Green Left)
Martina Michels (Germany)
Cornelia Ernst (Germany)
Helmut Scholz (Germany)
Gabi Zimmer (Germany)
Fabio De Masi (Germany)
Thomas Händel (Germany)
Sabine Lösing (Germany) - referendum pledge only
Dennis de Jong (Netherlands)
Anne-Marie Mineur (Netherlands)
Anja Hazekamp (Netherlands)
Marisa Matias (Portugal)
Willy Meyer (Spain)
Paloma López (Spain)
Lidia Senra (Spain)
Marina Albiol Guzmán (Spain)
Ángela Vallina (Spain)
Pablo Echenique-Robba (Spain)
ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists)
Rikke Karlsson (Denmark)
Anders Primdahl Vistisen (Denmark)
Beatrix von Storch (Germany)
Ulrike Trebesius (Germany)
Branislav Škripek (Slovakia)
Franz Obermayr (Austria)
Georg Mayer (Austria)
Gerolf Annemans (Belgium)