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Über Demokratieaktivisten und ihren Einsatz für mehr direkte Demokratie in der Welt
EU Commission responds to ECI "Right2Water"
The European Commission today presented its official conclusion on how to proceed with the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) “Water is a Human Right”, the first ECI ever that qualified for submission to the European Commission. Speaking on behalf of the EU’s executive body, EU...
Empowering citizens through technology in Colombia
Ahead of the Presidential elections that will take place in Columbia on 14 May 2014, we talked to Renny Rueda Castañeda from Ecodemocracy, a civil society organisation that advocates direct democracy and more citizen participation through technological means in Columbia and in...
Rockstar Bono stands out at EPP Congress
From 6 to 7th March 2014 the European People’s Party (EPP), the conservative party family of the EU, held a Congress in Dublin to discuss their European agenda and to elect the top candidate for the next European elections.
Armin Steuernagel, in charge of leading...
Armin Steuernagel, in charge of leading...
Direct Democracy in Hungary: "A sad topic"
The next parliamentary elections will be held in Hungary on 6 April 2014. Dr. Zoltán Tibor Pállinger, Professor at the Andrássy University of Budapest, explains the new electoral system and the issues at stake when 8 million registered Hungarians will cast their vote. Just one...
Congress of European Socialists: What's new?
The President of the Party of European Socialists (PES) Hannes Swoboda had invited Sophie von Hatzfeldt and Daniel Lentfer, both working for Democracy International’s campaign team “Democratic Europe Now”, to join the party’s Congress in Rome. They accepted the invitation and...
Democracy in Ukraine on the Horizon?
After weeks of protests in Kiev and other parts of the country, democratic norms could finally become a reality for Ukrainians – Elections will be held in May this year.
“Please act, Commission!“
“Right2water” is the first European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) in history that has been subject to a hearing at the European Parliament in Brussels. The initiative had fulfilled all the requirements as it had collected more than 1,8 million signatures in thirteen EU Member...
Assessing Tunisia's New Constitution
On 26 January 2014, the Constitutional Assembly of Tunisia adopted a new Constitution in the heartland of the “Arab Spring”: An overwhelming majority of 200 votes backed the draft while only 12 votes rejected it. This vote in favour meant that a referendum on the constitution...
Stephan versus Goliath in South Tyrol
The “Initiative für Mehr Demokratie” (Initiative for More Democracy) in South Tyrol ran a successful campaign for citizen-friendly direct democracy and against the South Tyrolan’s People Party (SVP) that was intending to introduce flawed rules of citizen participation. Read the...
ECI “Let me vote” – let us win!
Until today the more than 500 million citizens of the EU had the chance to sign the European Citizens’ Initiative “Let me vote”. The petition aims at providing EU citizens with the right to also participate at regional and national level in their country of residence. – Right...