Das globale Netzwerk für Demokratie

Content tagged with "France"

The Citizens' Convention on Climate wound to a close on Sunday 21 June, handing over their 149 proposals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the French government.
The Citizens’ Convention on Climate wound to a close this Sunday in Paris, after nine months of deliberation, with a strong call for a shift towards a low-carbon economy, with extensive changes in the...
While timely and necessary, the measures to halt the spread of COVID-19 have had an enormous impact not only on our daily lives, but also on our democracies. In this series, we try to asses how democratic practice has been affected and how we can make our future democracies more...
Everyone remembers the Yellow Vests movement. Few remember the Grand Débat National. Yet, together they make up this singular political moment, between October 2018 and March 2019, France went through. If holding citizens’ consultations is by no means novel, what made the French...
En avril de l'année dernière, les revendications des citoyen.ne.s pour arrêter la privatisation d'un des bijoux de la couronne française, le Groupe ADP, ex-Aéroports de Paris, ont été reconnues dans l'arène politique par un large éventail de partis politiques. En déclenchant une...
In April last year, civil demands to stop the privatization of one of France’s public ‘’crown jewels’’, the Groupe ADP, ex-Aéroports de Paris were recognized in the political arena by a broad array of political parties. By triggering a minority referendum procedure, the called ‘...
Newly elected President of France, Emmanuel Macron, Photo: Pablo Tupin-Noriega (Wikimedia Commons)
On September 26, French President Emmanuel Macron delivered his Future of Europe speech in Paris, which included the demand for democratic conventions via European-wide debates. Democracy International, a longtime advocate of a new European convention, stresses that the...
Newly elected President of France, Emmanuel Macron, Photo: Pablo Tupin-Noriega (Wikimedia Commons)
As prominently written on his website, the new French President Elect Emmanuel Macron intends to start a European debate with citizens at national and European level to rebuild trust in the European project and to forge a common European identity.
Switzerland’s system of direct democracy is often criticised for calling people to the polls too often to vote on subjects that are too complicated, but in regional France many feel such a system is exactly what they need to make their voices heard. This reportage is the first...



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