How do ordinary citizens view Germany’s role in the world?
On 20 February, the Citizens’ Assembly on Germany’s Role in the World came to an end and the results of the Assembly’s ten online meetings were published. The citizens’ recommendations on Germany’s global position will be handed over to the Bundestag on 19 March to be used in...
The UN we need: key UN report includes calls for World Citizens’ Initiative
The newly published UN75 report, that outlines the future citizens everywhere want for the United Nations, includes the strong call for a more democratic United Nations with, among other proposals, a...
HomeParliaments: Discussing European Solidarity
1500 participants, 12 Member States, 31 politicians. How did these all people come together despite the Covid restrictions? Our partners at Pulse of Europe discovered a corona-safe way to bring citizens together and connect them with...
The Conference on the Future of Europe: an Ode to the EU’s shortcomings
Much of what has gone wrong with the long-anticipated Conference on the Future of Europe is a direct reflection of what is wrong with top-down decision making in the European Union: non-transparent, bureaucratic, and long wait times until a final decision is reached. It has been...
A success for democracy: Chileans vote for a new constitution
The Sunday of the vote will probably go down in the history of the South American country. On 25th of October 2020, the people of Chile voted by a clear majority and with a turnout of almost 50% for a new constitution.
By Anna-Lea Reinhart.
In the USA, direct democracy as a medicine against divisiveness
The fate of Donald Trump’s Presidency and the future of America weren’t the only choices confronting voters on November 3rd. In fact, the citizens in 32 states cast their vote and made their voice heard on 117 statewide ballot propositions. Of these, 41 were placed on the ballot...
Gathering young Europeans online
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic affects us all – that also includes our traveling discussion dome. For this reason, the European Public Sphere team has decided to organise weekly online discussion rounds on various topics, targeted at...
ABSTIMMUNG21 - One step closer to a nationwide referendum
Germany has a myriad of direct demcracy tools at the local and state level, but no instruments exist at the national level. A coalition of democracy organisations want to change that. Gathering for the project ABSTIMMUNG21, they organised a...
Abstimmung21: Results of the of the first nation-wide vote in Germany
Abstimmung21, an initiative by Democracy International, Mehr Demokratie and Omnibus für Direkte Demokratie, organised a test vote in the run-up to the first-ever, self-organised referendum on the national level in Germany, asking citizens about their views on a number of issues...