the global coalition for democracy

Content tagged with "ECI"

Minority Safepack reached 1 Million signatures just before the deadline
Die Europäische Bürgerinitiative "Minority SafePack" hat in letzter Minute im Vorfeld des diesjährigen ECI-Tages bekannt gegeben, dass sie die Hürde von einer Million Unterschriften erreicht hat, die für die Berücksichtigung ihrer Vorschläge durch die EU-Kommission erforderlich...
Minority Safepack reached 1 Million signatures just before the deadline
In a last-minute bit of good news ahead of this year’s ECI Day, the ‘Minority SafePack’ European Citizens’ Initiative announced that they had reached the hurdle of one million signatures required for their proposals to be taken into consideration by the EU Commission. That the...
ECI Day 2018
Am 10.04.2018 fand bereits zum siebten Mal der ECI Day in Brüssel statt. Hauptorganisator und Gastgeber war wieder das European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). Neben den Organisationspartnern wie Democracy International, European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) und The ECI...
ECI Day 2018
On April 10, 2018, the ECI Day took place in Brussels for the seventh time, with the main organiser and host once again being the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). In addition to organisational partners such as Democracy International, European Citizen Action...
Der diesjährige EBI-Tag hat noch einmal gezeigt, dass das weltweit erste und einzige transnationale Instrument der direkten Demokratie noch in einem Entwicklungsstadium ist. Daniela Vancic, European Programme Manager bei Democracy International, wirft einen Blick auf die...
This year's European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) Day showed once again that the world's first and only transnational tool of direct democracy is very much a work in progress. Daniela Vancic, European Programme Manager at Democracy International glances ahead at the upcoming...
Elisa Lironi presents the European Citizens' Initiative Forum
Lors de la journée de l'ICE cette semaine, la Commission européenne a annoncé le lancement d'une nouvelle plateforme en ligne pour soutenir les organisateurs des Initiatives Citoyennes Européennes (ICE). La plateforme a pour objectif ambitieux de faire franchir le cap d'un...
Elisa Lironi presents the European Citizens' Initiative Forum
Beim ECI Day diese Woche verkündete die Europäische Kommission den Start einer neuen Onlineplattform zur Unterstützung der Organisatoren einer europäischen Bürgerinitiative. Die Plattform hat das ehrgeizige Ziel die Zahl der Europäische Bürgerinitiative, die die 1 Millionen...
Elisa Lironi presents the European Citizens' Initiative Forum
At ECI Day this week, the European Commission announced the launch of a new online platform to support organisers of European Citizens' Initiatives. The platform has the ambitious goal of getting more ECIs across the one million signatures finish line, by offering professional...
ECI Day 2018
At the ECI Day 2017, First Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans announced the long-awaited revision of the instrument. The European Commission proposal for a new regulation followed soon after and it materialised in September 2017 as part of a priority...


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