Das globale Netzwerk für Demokratie


European Public Sphere - Dome Talks and Food for Thought
In Amsterdam, we will serve a very special course: our Dome Talks will take place in the passage way of De Hallen. This hip place hasn't been so hip long. For several decades the city of Amsterdam tried to find a solution for the huge, unused area in the heart of Amsterdam West...
European Public Sphere - Shopping on a New Level with the Dome
The Leyweg shopping centre is a social meeting place in the neighbourhood. Of course, the European Public Sphere will not be missing here. Together, we discuss the future of Europe in The Hague, the headquarters of a large number of national and international institutions. The...
European Public Sphere - BeNeLux becomes SaarLorLux
Schengen… Naming authority and birthplace of the Schengen Agreement and as such, the borderless European area. And this is not the only reason why this city has become synonymous for Europe. Situated in the southeast of Luxembourg, Schengen lies directly on the tri-border point...
European Public Sphere - BeNeLux wird SaarLorLux
Schengen… Namensgeber und Geburtsort des Schengener Abkommens und somit des grenzfreien europäischen Raumes. Und nicht nur deshalb ist grade diese Stadt verdienterweise Synonym für Europa. Im Südosten von Luxemburg, liegt sie mitten im von Deutschland (Saarland), Frankreich (...
European Public Sphere - Our last stop: Luxembourg
Just before the European elections, we will arrive at our last stop: the place Clairfontaine in Luxembourg City. The European Parliament, the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Court of Auditors, the European Investment Bank, they all have at least parts of...
European Public Sphere - Unser letzter Halt: Luxembourg
Kurz vor der Europawahl kommen wir zu unserem letzten Halt: Dem Place Clairfontaine in Luxemburg Stadt. Das Europäische Parlament, der Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union, der Europäische Rechnungshof, die Europäische Investitionsbank, sie alle haben zumindest Teile ihres Sitzes...
European Public Sphere - Opening Event of the BeNeLux Tour
With April and its infamous weather approaching, we are preparing for the first indoor event of the European Public Sphere: three Dome Talks in the shopping centre Médiacité in Liège. Here, citizens and representatives of the public sphere and politics discuss from 10:00h about...
European Public Sphere - Dome Talks ahead of ECI Day
On the 1st of April, the Europe Dome will come to Brussels, just before a very special day for democracy. It is the day of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI), whose implementation and revision work Democracy International was deeply involved in. This instrument gives...
European Public Sphere - Dome Talks in Antwerp
Of course, the metropole Antwerp cannot be lacking at our BeNeLux Tour. Therefore, we build our Europe Dome at the Groenplaats. Just next to the big statue of Rubens and with a beautiful view on the Cathedral of Our Lady, we expect to find more interesting ideas and visions of...
European Public Sphere - Our last stop in Belgium: Ghent
At the Woodrow Wilsonplein in Gent we have our last stop in Belgium on the 4th of April. This time we will stand in front of, instead of inside a shopping centre and we expect again interesting discussions. Also here, we will be talking about Europe – open and respectful,...



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