Das globale Netzwerk für Demokratie


Lippe braucht Europa
Lippe braucht Europa - Diese Aussage mag in diesen unruhigen Zeiten gelegentlich in Frage gestellt werden. Der Arbeitskreis "Zukunft für Lemgo" will diese Aussage aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln betrachten und Lippes Rolle in Europa diskutieren.
The panel of the first ECI hearing on "Right2Water"
EU Parliament preparing for ECI Revision
In view of the upcoming review of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) the European Parliament is inviting experts and practitioners to a public hearing on the implementation of the ECI. The hearing will take place in Brussels on 26 February 2015. In this view, Democracy...
The Slovak group "Direct democracy" presents itself to Democracy International's General Assembly in 2014
Mitgliederversammlung 2015
Unsere nächste Mitgliederversammlung findet in Tunis am 16. Mai 2015 statt. Das Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy wird am selben Wochenende in der tunesischen Hauptstadt ausgetragen werden.
ECI Legal framework - need for reform?!
Democracy International in joint cooperation with the ECI Support Centre, the Initiative and Referendum Institute Europe as well as the European Economic and Social Committee cordially invite to a conference with the aim of assessing the legal framework of the European Citizens...
Women in Missouri about to count the votes on Election Day 2014
USA: A Super size Democracy?!
It's not just a cliché: In the United States everything is huge: The width of the streets, the portions of food and the vastness of the landscape. After travelling Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas and Louisiana from 3 to 9 November on the occasion of US Election Day 2014, we need to...
The participants of Democracy International's Summer Academy, September 2014
Summer Academy 2014: Seeds planted!
From 8 to 12 September democracy activists from all over Europe gathered in the German city of Wittenberg, close to Berlin, to learn how to implement and develop a democracy organisation. The summer academy was organised by Democracy International.
Democratic Europe Day in Berlin
17 May: Democratic Europe Day
Citizens and organisations from all over Europe took part in the Europe-wide action day for democracy on 17 May 2014. More than 80 events were organised by democracy activists and organisations in over 50 cities spread between Madrid, Stockholm and Sofia, calling for change in...
Ronald Pabst
Farewell Party for Ronald
Sadly, Ronald Pabst left Democracy International last Friday for a new challenge in the non-profit sector.
The participants of the Danube Democracy Rally in Budapest
Happy Memories: Danube Democracy Rally
During our Danube Democracy Rally more than 90 democracy activists from all over Europe and the world came together with the aim of learning from each other, deepening knowledge on direct democracy and having fun together. Travelling nine days along the Danube, we visited Vienna...
The Slovak group "Direct democracy" presents itself to Democracy International's General Assembly in 2014
General Assembly 2014
Our last general assembly took place in Bratislava, Slovakia, on 5 April 2014. On this occasion we elected Democracy International's new board.



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